
Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the NIST Phantom

Heide, Martin $^1$, Scholand, Nick $^2$, Uecker, Martin $^{1,2}$

$^1$ University Medical Center, Göttingen, $^2$ Graz University of Technology, Austria

Subproject B03 - Low-rank and sparsity-based models in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, CRC1456. Magnetic resonance imaging dataset of the T1 layer of the NIST Phantom Model 106 ( acquired with inversion-recovery balanced steady-state free-precession (IR-bSSFP), inversion-recovery fast low angle shot (IR-FLASH) sequences, inversion-recovery single-echo spin echo, single-echo spin echo, gradient echo and FLASH-based B1 mapping sequence with preconditioning RF pulse. The files are intended to be used with the Berkeley Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox ( Each dataset consists of a ASCII Text-encoded header (.hdr) and a binary-encoded complex float file (.cfl). Data and detailed description of sequence parameters.

Static Badge badge CRCBinderhubJupyterlab CRC1456BinderhubJupyterClassic

The Bloch equation is the model in MRI and describes the behaviour of the net magnetizations $M(p,t)\in\mathbb{R}^3$ of hydrogen proton spins at $p\in\mathbb{R}^3$ under the action of magnetic fields $B(p,t)\in\mathbb{R}^3$ depending on tissue-specific constants $T_1(p),T_2(p) > 0$ for $t\geq t_0\in\mathbb{R}$

$$ \frac{d M(p,t)}{dt} = M(p,t)\times \gamma B(p,t) - \left ( \frac{M_x(p,t)}{T_2(p)}, \frac{M_y(p,t)}{T_2(p)}, \frac{M_z(p,t) -M_z(p,t_0)}{T_1(p)}\right)^T, $$

and $\gamma > 0$ denote the gyromagnetic ratio of hydrogen. The field $B(p,t)$ is composed of various superpositions of the main magnetic field $B_0$, the excitation pulse $B_1$ and gradient field $G$ depending on $t\in\mathbb{R}$. The acquired signal is affected by physical effects like off-resonances or field inhomogeneities of $B_0,B_1$ which are not included in the Bloch model. We present computational results for estimations of $B_0,B_1,T_1,T_2$ from measurements. The measurement sequences used to obtain the data are supposed to compensate for off-resonances and enable one to obtain reproducible results.



Setup of Software and Data

Download and install the latest version of BART

rm -rf bart
git clone bart &> /dev/null
echo "PARALLEL=1" > bart/Makefiles/Makefile.local
cd bart && make &> /dev/null && ./bart version

Download the datasets.

rm -rf resources && mkdir resources
wget -q -O resources/ ""
unzip -q -o resources/ -d resources

rm -rf reconstructions && mkdir reconstructions

Estimation of $B_0$ field map

export PATH=$PWD/bart:$PATH
rm -rf $W && mkdir $W

# estimate coil sensitivity profiles
bart ecalib -c 0 -m 1 resources/data_b0_gre $W/sens

# phase preserving reconstruction
bart pics -e -S -d 0 resources/data_b0_gre $W/sens $W/_reco

SAMPLES=$(bart show -d 0 $W/_reco)
bart resize -c 0 $((SAMPLES/2)) $W/_reco $W/reco

bart slice 5 0 $W/reco $W/te1
bart slice 5 1 $W/reco $W/te2

TE1=0.00492     # Early TE
TE2=0.00738     # Late TE

# Estimate B0 = phase(reco(TE2) * conj(reco(TE2))) / (TE2 - TE1)
# Nayak & Nishimura, MRM, 2000.
bart conj $W/te1 $W/te1c
bart fmac $W/te2 $W/te1c $W/p
bart carg $W/p $W/ph
bart scale -- $(echo $TE1 $TE2 | awk '{printf "%f\n", -1/($2-$1)}') $W/ph reconstructions/b0map

bart flip 1 reconstructions/b0map $W/b0map_t
bart toimg $W/b0map_t figures/b0map
Writing 1 image(s)...done.


2 Estimation of $B_1$ field map

export TOOLBOX_PATH=$PWD/bart
rm -rf $W && mkdir $W

# B1+ Mapping with Siemens Sequence "tfl_b1map" based on
# Chung, S., Kim, D., Breton, E. and Axel, L. (2010),
# Rapid B1+ mapping using a preconditioning RF pulse with TurboFLASH readout.
# Magn. Reson. Med., 64: 439-446.

# Compensate for asymetric echo
## Mirror kspace to fill missing lines
FREQ_ASYM=$(bart show -d 0 resources/data_b1_precond)
PHASE=$(bart show -d 1 resources/data_b1_precond)

bart extract 0 $((FREQ_ASYM-DIFF)) $FREQ_ASYM resources/data_b1_precond $W/miss

bart flip $(bart bitmask 0) resources/data_b1_precond $W/tmp
bart join 0 $W/tmp $W/miss $W/_raw
bart flip $(bart bitmask 0) $W/_raw $W/raw

# Estimate coil sensitivity profiles
bart ecalib -c 0 -m 1 $W/raw $W/sens

# Phase preserving reconstruction
bart pics  -e -S -d 0 $W/raw $W/sens $W/_reco
SAMPLES=$(bart show -d 0 $W/_reco)
bart resize -c 0 $PHASE $W/_reco $W/reco

bart slice 11 0 $W/reco $W/pd
bart slice 11 1 $W/reco $W/pre

bart invert $W/pd $W/pdi
bart fmac $W/pre $W/pdi $W/tmp

# Calculate: arccos(SSPre / PD)
python3 src/ $W/tmp $W/acos

FA_NOM=80 # [deg] Just from raw data..., IDEA internal... -> vim *.dat and /PrepFlipAngle

# Calculate: kappa = arccos(SSPre / PD) / FA_NOM = b1map
bart scale -- $(echo $FA_NOM | awk '{printf "%f\n", 1/(3.141592653589793 * $1 / 180)}') $W/acos reconstructions/b1map

# visualization
bart flip 1 reconstructions/b1map $W/b1map_t
bart toimg $W/b1map_t figures/b1map
Writing 1 image(s)...done.


3 Estimation of $T_1, T_2$

Under several assumptions, the longitudinal $M_z$ and transverse $M_\mathbb{C}$ solutions to the Bloch equations during the data acquisition read $$ M_\mathbb{C}(p,t) = M_\mathbb{C}(p,t_0) e^{-t/T_2(p)} \ M_z(p,t) = M_\mathbb{C}(p,t_0) (1 - e^{-t/T_2(p)}) $$ and the goal is to fit functions of this type to the measured data in order to obtain the quantitative parameter $T_1(p), T_2(p)$ for each pixel $p$.

export TOOLBOX_PATH=$PWD/bart
rm -rf $W && mkdir $W

# Coil-wise reconstruct the dataset and coil-combine to a single dataset
bart fft -i 7 resources/data_GSM_t1 $W/tmp
bart resize -c 0 256 1 256 $W/tmp $W/reco
bart rss 8 $W/reco reconstructions/recoTI

# Coil-wise reconstruct the dataset and coil-combine to a single dataset
bart fft -i 7 resources/data_GSM_t2 $W/tmp
bart resize -c 0 256 1 256 $W/tmp $W/reco
bart rss 8 $W/reco reconstructions/recoTE

# Put echo times in milliseconds in file and convert to seconds
bart vec 12 20 30 40 70 100 150 200 250 350 $W/T2enc0
bart transpose 0 5 $W/T2enc0 $W/T2enc1
bart scale -- 0.001 $W/T2enc1 $W/T2enc
# Fit Model to data acquired at echo times
bart mobafit -T $W/T2enc reconstructions/recoTE $W/fit
# slice out relevant quantitative parameter
bart slice 6 1 $W/fit $W/mapR2
# compute T1 = 1/R2
bart invert $W/mapR2 reconstructions/mapT2

python3 src/ reconstructions/recoTI "35 75 100 125 150 250 1000 1500 2000 3000" $W/IRfit
bart slice 2 1 $W/IRfit reconstructions/mapT1

# visualize estimated parameter maps and masks
python3 src/ reconstructions/mapT2 0 0.5 "T2/s" figures/t2map.png
python3 src/ reconstructions/mapT1 0 2.9 "T1/s" figures/t1map.png


4 Advanced estimation of $T_1$: The Look-Locker Model

More advanced method of estimating $T_1$.

export TOOLBOX_PATH=$PWD/bart
rm -rf $W && mkdir $W

NPOINTS=$(bart show -d 0 resources/data_irflash)
NSPOKES=$(bart show -d 10 resources/data_irflash)
#echo $(bart show -d 1 resources/data_irflash)

#M=$(($(bart show -d 0 resources/data_irflash)/2))
#echo $NPOINTS
#echo $NSPOKES

# The data was acquired with 18 receiver coils. In order to reduce computational costs, compression to five coils is applied
bart cc -p 5 -A resources/data_irflash $W/k0
bart transpose 1 2 $W/k0 $W/k1
bart transpose 0 1 $W/k1 $W/k2

# create radial sampling trajectories with angle ANGLE between consecutive spokes
bart traj -x $NPOINTS -y 1 -s $ANGLE -c -G -t $NSPOKES -D -r $W/traj0

# we want to correct for gradient delays with RING (measurement imperfection: The sampled data belongs actually to slightly shifted trajectories)
# for gradient delay estimation we take data on 150 spokes
bart extract 10 $((NSPOKES-150)) $NSPOKES resources/data_irflash $W/d0
bart extract 10 $((NSPOKES-150)) $NSPOKES $W/traj0 $W/traj1
bart transpose 2 10 $W/d0 $W/d1
bart transpose 2 10 $W/traj1 $W/traj2
bart flip 4 $W/d1 $W/d2
bart flip 4 $W/traj2 $W/traj3
#bart traj -x $NPOINTS -y 1 -s $ANGLE -c -G -t $NSPOKES -D -r -O -q $(bart estdelay $W/traj3 $W/d2) $W/traj4
# gitlab pipeline complains about exceeding artifact size, so we delete some data
rm -rf resources
rm -rf reconstructions
rm -rf wdir_b0
rm -rf wdir_b1
rm -rf wdir_t1t2
rm -rf wdir_looklocker